Friday, November 12, 2010

playing catch up

I got my ears pierced....lobes and tragus too!!
Maegan and her mom did the lobes at the same time so I would only have the pain once :)
Such Love!!

Love you girl!! Thanks for takin' such good care of me!! :)

Thanks for coming with me Ryan!! And thanks for taking some pictures :) Love ya girl!!

I felt like such a baby, but everything turned out great!! Another 30 days of Erin checked off the list!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 2

So today might be a little hard with the way my throat feels.....although i have never downed a bottle of DayQuil before......hmmmm????

So can overdosing be bad????

"Yes! Acetaminophen, Phenylephrin, and Dextromethorphan ar the 3 active ingredients in DayQuil, and all can be OD'd. Overdoses can lead to severe liver damage, coma, convulsions, and vomiting. If you think you OD'd call poison control ASAP."

Well i think thats somehting to think about.....maybe halls and hot drinks will do :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 1, Nov. 1st

So November totally snuck up on me and now im tyring to get my 30 things in may be a little lame but it was so good!!

I had banana peppers on my subway sandwich today!! so yummy.....what have i been missin'??